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Bloor Dental Health Centre

415 Bloor Street West
Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1X6

Phone: 416 538-8883
Fax: 416 538-9906

Office Hours
10am - 7pm
10am - 7pm
8am - 4pm


8am - 4pm

  May 2013: Tips, eNews & More!

Warmer Days are Here!
By now you've undoubtedly completed your spring cleaning and finalized plans to take advantage of the season (don't worry, neither have we).

May 5-11 is Emergency Preparedness Week As you begin to plan for upcoming events, we would like to remind you that being prepared for the unexpected (a snow storm in late April for example) can help make the unplanned more manageable. It is suggested that you have enough supplies to support your family's needs for at least 72 hours in the case of an emergency. Are you prepared? Click here to learn more.

Are you planning on playing a contact sport this season? Talk to us about a custom fitted mouthguard. We may not be able to improve your game, but we can help protect your winning smile!

May 31 is World No-Tobacco Day If you are planning on quitting smoking, we may be able to help. Speak to us during your next visit. Once you've kicked the habit, we can whiten any stains and start to repair the damage caused by the tobacco and smoke.

We hope all of the moms out there have a great Mother's Day (May 12) and that everyone takes full advantage of the Victoria Day Long Weekend (May 20).

Wishing you countless reasons to smile,

Bloor Dental Health Centre

 Dentistry for Moms-To-Be!

Pregnancy is filled with exciting changes to your body, and your mouth is no exception. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy increase the potential for dental problems, emphasizing the importance of proper and sometimes extra-ordinary oral hygiene.

Pregnancy Gingivitis is the most common of the dental concerns during a pregnancy. This form of Gingivitis is most prevalent between the second and eighth month of pregnancy. The symptoms associated with Pregnancy Gingivitis include: gums that are red, swollen, tender, or bleeding during brushing and flossing.

What can you do to decrease your risk?
We recommend more frequent visits to our office for cleanings and examinations during your pregnancy. You should also...

Click here to keep reading.

  Lighten Up this Season!

As the weather gets warmer, more local vegetables become available and as you spend more time outside, you will likely crave lighter, colder, more refreshing meals. Instead of the soups, stews and grains that warmed you in the winter, opt for more green leafy vegetables, salads, smoothies, raw soups and juices. This not only results in simpler meals to prepare but will help you feel lighter, rejuvenated and more energized!

Here are 5 key ways to lighten up your meals this spring:

1. Start adding more salads to your diet. For lunch or dinner, grab a big bowl and fill it up with fresh local greens. Salads help eliminate toxins, increase energy and provide a balance to your body.

2. Drink your dinner. This isn't ideal all the time. But on nights when you don't feel like eating a heavy dinner, try making a blended cold soup (see the deliciously refreshing recipe below).

Click here to keep reading and for our recipe.